Guest agents use Casco soft phone to connect hotel IP PBX.
request service from his room by calling the Guest Service Centre.
to ensure Quality Control.
according to guest check in language (skill based).
shall be sent to the corresponding Hotel Staff guest service remote application.
for the followings (but not limited to):
- Service/complaint delivery and response time.the services, it will be automatically escalated to the Supervisor and Department Manager via different types of alarms and procedures.
track (view) service status from his soft phone.
always appears on soft phone screen-with registered label- to confirm connectivity with hotel PBX.
all the information will appear on the screen including incoming guest room, and the history of the complaints for this room and the status of each complain, and who is assigned to this complain.
Each order taker will appear to him the guest complaint once it’s made by the agent.
another one , or if the issue was fixed, he can closed and put any comments he want, the complaint will move to the solved complaints screen.